Just Dance guidelines
This is a Solo dance event
Any dance form is allowed.
The performance has to be within 3 - 5 minutes (Max) Violation of the above time limit will lead to deduction of marks.
Costumes, props, make up kits should be carried by the participants themselves The committee will not be responsible for providing these materials.
To maintain college decorum, participants should wear decent outfit or costume.
Performance tracks has to be submitted to the event coordinators in a pen-drive and cd both in .mp3 format 3 hours before the event. Make sure the pen drive contains no other files or data except for the audio track. The track also needs to be sent to a given mail before the day of the event.
Inflammable or sharp or heavy objects or water are NOT ALLOWED on the stage.
College ID must be carried for verification purpose.
Green rooms will be provided to the participants.
The Elixir committee will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any belongings of participants.
In case of disqualification, registration fees will not be refundable.
Only online registrations will be considered. No on spot registrations will be entertained.
Indecent or vulgar acts will not be tolerated and no further arguments will be entertained.
Decision made by the judges and committee will be final.
Organizing Team deserves the right to change any rules or modify them with prior notice.
Please note: The organizing committee reserves the right to reject or remove any dance performance which is obscene, defamatory, libelous, abusive, harassing, vulgar, politically-biased or otherwise objectionable, or unlawful subject matter or which constitute or encourage a criminal offence, violate the rights of any party or otherwise gives rise to liability or violates any law, in its absolute discretion.
Committee is not responsible for any medical issue of the participants at the event time.
Key Points
- Event Type : Solo Dance Competetion
- Dance Form : Your choice
- Prize Pool : Exciting Prizes
- Registration Fee (BPPIMT) : Rs 100/-
- Registration Fee (Non BPPIMT) : Rs 150/-
- Event Status : Offline
- Dance Time limit : 3 to 5 minutes
- Venue :BPPIMT (vip campus)
- Event Date : 24th March 2023 (10:10 am - 1:00 pm)

Co-ordinator & Volunteer
Feel Free to ask your doubts regarding the events to the respective Co-ordinator & Volunteer
+91 9679295016
+91 8250811779
+91 7430920915